Digital + Social Strategy

With experience in content and social media strategy for leading brands, we oversee a wide scope of digital strategy focusing on developing a brand’s tone of voice and their coordinating visual landscapes (.com & social). We craft dynamic strategies that not only align with your brand's ethos but also leverage the power of social platforms to create genuine connections and elevate your online influence. We identify and build community programs for brands and publications, growing audiences organically through seeding initiatives and collaborations. We find and connect brands with the most authentic voices suited for their goals.

Art + Creative Direction

With strong networks in New York, London & Berlin we bring together some of the industry’s most celebrated talent forging unique and innovative partnerships that turn your creative concepts into reality. From concept to actualisation we curate captivating aesthetics that tell your brand’s unique story through taking a 360 approach on our execution through a variety of mediums. By leveraging our unique network of photographers, videographers, MUAs, stylists and editors we ensure a tailored result, perfectly suited for commercial and editorial storytelling.